Its been a while since I posted here as I’ve been using my Eco-community-journey blog. You can find out about this project and journey of mine by following this link:
I started out in October 2016 and at the moment I’m in the south of Spain in a beautiful community called Los Portales, which is my seventh eco-community so far. My plan is to continue exploring these amazing communities and sharing my experience of them in the hope of inspiring small (or large) changes in peoples lives that create better ways of living. My next steps include travelling to Angsbacka in Sweden: a community which runs many inspiring workshops and courses and for the summer runs back to back inspiring festivals. I will be volunteering there at a number of festivals including GEN Europe’s (the Global Eco-village Network of Europe’s) annual gathering which is what drew me to this community in the first place, and I will be working on the design of some new buildings (which I’m very excited about!). After my time in Sweden I have the opportunity to travel to Colombia for 4-6 months to visit communities there and to work with a wonderful architect there learning to build with bamboo and working on the re-construction of some communities in Ecuador that were badly damaged in recent earthquakes. This whole project is such a heart calling for me and the work in Colombia is so aligned with the work I know I am here in this life to offer.
For this project of exploring eco-communities I had the idea to fund it in a few creative ways: by selling pieces of my art and by gathering support from the internet community via crowd funding. I am still raising funds for these next steps and am making a call out for contributions for my crowd-funding which is almost two thirds of the way to completion or to those who would like to purchase some of my work. You can donate to my crowd-funding campaign
here: and you can look at the work I have for sale here:
I hope you can join me through making a donation, by purchasing some lovely prints or paintings and by following me on my blog. Thank you for reading.
The image below is of a painting made during my journey while I was in Eco-Dharma: a gorgeous Buddhist community in the Catalan Pyrenees recently sold piece that will soon be winging its way to Germany!